December 7, 2016: long awaited Christmas Update The Snowy Fairy Tale event.January 4, 2017: January update Ice Dancing event.January 11, 2017: A new update has been released for the game - version 1.12.5.

January 22, 2017: Dispeller of Anomalies mini-event event.February 3, 2017: February Valentine's Update Flower Festival event.February 10, 2017: Valentine's Card mini-event event.February 27, 2017: Two mini-events have been released for the game - Gemstone Search and Black Pearls.March 7, 2017: March Update Legends of Darkwood event.April 6, 2017: April Spring Update Birds event.May 9, 2017: May Update Sorcerer's Spell event.June 8, 2017: June Update Inviolable Prohibition event.July 7, 2017: July Update Foundation Holiday event.August 4, 2017: August Update Enchanted Confectionery event.September 1, 2017: September Update Mystery of Wonderpark event.September 29, 2017: Halloween Update is live, the Halloween event Scary Pranks will follow in 7 days.November 4, 2017: November Update Long Fall event.December 4, 2017: 2017 Christmas Update is available.January 8, 2018: January Update Hearts of Ice event.February 12, 2018: February Update Magic Scroll event.March 16, 2018: March Update Poetry of Spring event.April 12, 2018: April Update is live, the Endless Games event will follow soon.May 14, 2018: May Update Enchanted Spring event.June 9, 2018: June Update Message through Time event.July 5, 2018: July Update Hocus Pocus event.August 2, 2018: August Update Mysterious Scent event.September 5, 2018: September Update Legend of the Alchemist event.October 5, 2018: October Update Pumpkin Nostalgia event.November 1, 2018: November Update Magic of Music event.November 29, 2018: December Update Mystery of December event.January 3, 2019: January Update Message of Pegasus event.

June 15, 2022: Walk into the Past event.September 7, 2022: Secret Academy event ✨ is live ✨.The goal of this website is to combine ALL the available information on The Secret, in an open and transparent medium, so that the community as a whole, may be able to solve the remaining nine. The Secret a Treasure Hunt was created by a community of friends, and it is my opinion that a community of friends is the only way to solve it. Then Byron’s friends John Palencar, John Pierard, and Overton Loyd made a bunch of images with the sole purpose of confusing the shit out of us. Sean and Ted to write some descriptions of strange creatures that Byron’s friend JoEllen sculpted out of clay and cloth, which were photographed by his childhood friend Ben. The Secret a Treasure Hunt started with Byron recruiting a bunch of his friends. One in Chicago, one in Cleveland, and one in Boston… so at least we know they are real. 40 years later we are finding out he was wrong. The goal was to get the reader to match a poem with a painting, produce a treasure map of sorts, then go dig up the treasures. He wrote a few poems, and had a friend of his paint some images. He spent a year or so traveling around the country, burying small ceramic boxes two feet underground. What is The Secret a Treasure Hunt by Byron Preiss? Back in 1982 a man named Byron Preiss decided it would be a good idea to publish a treasure hunt.